HRM Tech

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Twitter, Apple, Meta, and other big tech companies together fired thousands of employees in last few months

 Twitter, Apple, Meta, and other big tech companies together fired thousands of employees in last few months

Tech firms all over the planet are battling the tempest of monetary log jam. The sluggish shopper spending, higher loan costs by national banks serious areas of strength for and abroad are indicating towards conceivable downturn. Accordingly, to keep the boat cruising, tech firms including Macintosh, Meta, and Amazon are eliminating positions or freezing recruiting.

Quarter three saw a setup of cutbacks in the Silicon valley as well as in the Indian IT industry. A new count by Crunchbase, which gives experiences on the continuous business world, uncovers that tech firms situated in the US have terminated in excess of 45,000 laborers as of October 2022. These cutbacks incorporate the latest mass cutback by Twitter that cut generally around 50% of the organization.

Circumstances are comparative in India. As per site around 15,708 in the nation have lost positions. The information remember the cutbacks for 44 new businesses including unicorns like BYJU'S, Chargebee, Cars24, LEAD, Ola, Meesho, MPL.

We should investigate the greatest cutbacks by tech goliaths this year up to this point.


Reports propose that Facebook parent Meta is wanting to remove its labor force to control financial plan expenditures. In August itself Imprint Zukerberg cautioned a few workers that "a lot of individuals at the organization ought not be here." And presently as per The Washington Post, Meta is wanting to terminate these representatives. The organization saw income decrease in the initial two fourth of this current year, and the net income of the third water was USD 4.4 billion, 52 percent lower than the last year. Mark Zukerberg has previously frozen recruiting across divisions and requested that representatives work with accessible assets. Yet, it seems like freezing the recruiting have zero control over Meta's misfortunes and making the dismal stride of mass layoffs is choosing.


Things have changed a ton in Twitter HQ in San Francisco, California. The rule went under Elon Musk and the organization saw a moment cutback of its top leader including Twitter President Parag Agrawal, CFO Ned Segal and lawful issues and strategy boss Vijaya Gadded. Be that as it may, on November 4, Elon Musk chose to additional cut expenses and sliced portion of its 7,500 representatives. Almost 3,700 workers were terminated across divisions. In India itself, around 180 of its 230 workers were terminated across satisfied, organizations, content curation, deals, and social showcasing groups.


Apple laid off around 100 agreement scouts in August and the tech goliath isn't anticipating selecting more representatives. As of late, the tech goliath stopped employing for some positions beyond innovative work, announced Bloomberg. Apple is confronting slow deals of iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Master series in China and is expecting further slice n deals in the forthcoming Christmas season. In outcome the organization is attempting to save financial plan by stopping the hiring's.


Microsoft additionally affirmed cutbacks. The organization has laid off around 1,000 workers across different divisions as of late. The organization said that it is cutting labor force all over the planet to define business boundaries and "make primary changes". "We will keep on putting resources into our business and recruit in key development regions in the year ahead," said the authority explanation of Microsoft. Eminently, this is the third round of cutbacks at Microsoft in four months. Prior in July, the tech goliath terminated almost 1% of its 180,000 labor force across workplaces and item divisions refering to "realignment".


Snapchat parent Snap let go of in excess of 1,200 individuals in a mass cutback in September. The organization nearly terminated around 20% of its labor force, which is in excess of 1,200 individuals. Snap President Evan Spiegel in his letter to staff posted on Snap's site said that "tragically, given our ongoing lower pace of income development, it has become evident that we should decrease our expense construction to abstain from causing critical continuous misfortunes," he composed. The organization laid the arrangement for rebuilding and slice off its representatives to "guarantee Snap's drawn out progress in any climate".


China's biggest mechanical organization laid off almost 5,500 workers from its finance in August. Tensent likewise froze employing without precedent for 10 years as a proportion of cost-cutting. The organization reported cutbacks in the wake of missing quarterly income gauges.


Seagate declared plans to cut 8% of its worldwide labor force, around 3,000 workers, because of financial vulnerability and declining interest for its parts. Seagate President Dave Mosley in a call with examiners expressed the plans of rebuilding and said, "as well as changing our creation yield, to drive supply discipline and valuing security, we are executing a rebuilding plan to economically bring down costs, remembering decrease for our worldwide labor force."


Intel is wanting to lay off a great many representatives as a component of reducing down working expenses final quarter plan. Intel President Pat Gelsinger affirms that the organization needs to zero in on proficiency and income despite the fact that it might have some "individuals cost". Furthermore, the world's biggest chipmaker likewise affirmed to diminish its labor force by around 20% in the following one year following the arrangement to chop down the yearly expenditure of the organization by $10 billion by 2025.


The unicorn startup Byjus declared to lay off 2,500 representatives, that is 5% of its labor force, over the course of the following a half year. The organization is firing around 2,500 of its areas of strength for 50,000 across divisions like item, satisfied, media and innovation in a staged way

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

MediaTek’s Launches Its First mmWave 5G Chipset

 MediaTek’s Launches Its First mmWave 5G Chipset

MediaTek has delivered its most memorable mmWave 5G chipset, the Dimensity 1050 framework on-chip [SoC]. The 5G chip can give network to the up and coming age of 5G cell phones, shows, gaming consoles, and so forth. The Dimensity 1050 consolidates mmWave and sub-6GHz innovation to give great availability even in thickly populated regions. The chipset is controlled by an octa-center CPU, it coordinates an Arm Cortex-A78 CPUs and the Arm Mali-G610 designs motor. It likewise upholds True Dual 5G SIM (5G SA + 5G SA) and Dual VoNR.

MediaTek has conveyed its most important mmWave 5G chipset, the Dimensity 1050 structure on-chip [SoC]. The 5G chip can surrender organization to the and coming time of 5G cells, shows, gaming consoles, etc. The Dimensity 1050 solidifies mmWave and sub-6GHz advancement to give extraordinary accessibility even in thickly populated districts. The chipset is constrained by an octa-focus CPU, it arranges an Arm Cortex-A78 CPUs and the Arm Mali-G610 plans engine. It moreover maintains True Dual 5G SIM (5G SA + 5G SA) and Dual VoNR.

"The Dimensity 1050, and its blend of sub-6GHz and mmWave advances, will convey start to finish 5G encounters, continuous availability and better power effectiveness than satisfy regular client needs," said CH Chen, Deputy General Manager of Wireless Communications Business Unit at MediaTek. "With quicker, more dependable associations, and high level camera innovation this chip conveys strong elements to help gadget creators to separate their cell phone product offerings."

The chipset likewise offers 5G advancements alongside Wi-Fi enhancements. The 5G chipset uses the organization's own HyperEngine 5.0 gaming innovation, which guarantees lower-idleness associations with the new tri-band - 2.4GHz, 5GHz and 6GHz. The chipset additionally upholds for super-quick 144Hz Full HD show utilizing MediaTek's MiraVision 760. It additionally offers amazing sound decrease for heavenly low light imaging and highlights progressed AI camera activities. The 5G chipset likewise considers double HDR video catch that allows clients all the while to stream with both the front and back cameras.

The organization says that the cell phones controlled by the Dimensity 1050 will be accessible in the second from last quarter of 2022


Monday, June 13, 2022

Microsoft's Internet Explorer Is Officially Retiring After 27 Years; Netizens Go Nostalgic

 Microsoft's Internet Explorer Is Officially Retiring After 27 Years; Netizens Go Nostalgic

Microsoft ended new component advancement of the program back in 2016 and it very well may be the initial time the tech goliath has chosen to progressively eliminate the Internet Explorer

Jagran Technology Desk: After serving individuals for more than 27 years, Microsoft's Internet Explorer is at long last getting resigned. The program, which was first sent off in 1995 as an extra bundle for Windows 95, was made accessible for nothing by the organization as a piece of information. 

As indicated by Mashable, Internet Explorer will prevent working from June 15, 2022. The reports guarantee that even subsequent to seeing a gigantic top with a use of 95% offer back in 2003, the program was as yet not ready to stand firm on the situation and the client base began declining radically. 

A few new contenders bounced into the program market with better UIs, better web speed, and smooth execution. It seems to be Internet Explorer couldn't support the opposition and gradually transformed into 'only a default voyager which is utilized to introduce different programs'.

Sean Lyndersay, Microsoft Edge program manager, said that "the fate of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 lies in Microsoft Edge". "Not exclusively is Microsoft Edge a speedier, safer, and more contemporary perusing experience than Internet Explorer, yet it likewise addresses a critical concern: similarity for more seasoned, inheritance sites and applications," he said.

Microsoft stopped new component improvement of the program back in 2016 and it very well may be the initial time the tech monster has chosen to gradually eliminate the Internet Explorer. After the news got reported, netizens began responding via web-based entertainment.

Web Explorer is closing down in three days. I haven't involved IE in a decades however it was the program I had utilized for most of my life as a youngster. Whether you cherished or detested Internet Explorer, it'll be the end if a period", a virtual entertainment client posted. Numerous clients likewise shared images, citing 'Farewell Internet Explorer' from their online entertainment handles.


 From Web3 to Web5: How advancement of the web is centered around information security

Here we make sense of the relative multitude of things you ought to be aware of the development of the web and how the world moved from Web 2.0 to Web5.

Web3 is humming with blockchain organizations foraying into the possibility of a decentralized web. Notwithstanding, previous Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is taking the possibility of Web3 to a higher level by sending off Web5, a mix of Web3 and Web2.

Web5 is based on the Bitcoin blockchain, created by The Block Head (TBH), one of the Bitcoin specialty units at Dorsey's Block (previously Square). The stage intends to carry decentralized personality and information stockpiling to applications. "It allows designers to zero in on making superb client encounters while returning responsibility for and personality to people," as per the organization.

Here we make sense of the relative multitude of things you ought to be familiar with the development of the web and how the world moved from Web 2.0 to Web5.

From Web 2 to Web3.0

Web3 alludes to the up and coming age of the overall web, expected to take over from Web2.0, which is more concentrated and zeroed in on client made content. The possibility of Web3 is a decentralized web that challenges the predominance of tech goliaths by giving the power and information in the possession of the web clients as opposed to huge tech companies. So, Web3 implies client information is appropriated across networks and no single substance claims the data.

Tim Berners-Lee, the designer of the World Wide Web, made sense of Web3 in 1999: "I have a fantasy for the Web where PCs become equipped for examining every one of the information on the Web — the substance, connections, and exchanges among individuals and PCs. A "Semantic Web," which makes this potential, presently can't seem to arise, however when it does, the everyday systems of exchange, organization, and our regular routines will be taken care of by machines conversing with machines."

A portion of the utilization instances of Web3 are Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Stablecoins and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), private and computerized foundation, and maker economy empowering influences like NFTs and blockchain-based games.

The extraordinary selling point of Web3 is the ongoing difficulties with information security. The present web (Web 2.0) is loaded up with worries around information security, counterfeit news, and data fraud hacks. Rather than giving your own information again and again on every stage you pursue, you will rather just approve the stages to utilize your information. In the case of something changes, similar to your location or Visa number, you want just change it once on your end, and every one of your destinations will be refreshed. This will make the Web substantially more easy to understand.

Web3 versus Web5

While Web3 is just a thought and could carve out opportunity to repeat, Dorsey has another developed arrangement and it is called Web5. The objective of Web5 is to make specific apparatuses on Bitcoin that couldn't give clients command over their information yet in addition would permit them to control every one of their connections on the web.

Dorsey has been a vocal pundit of Web3. He accepts that Web 3.0 stages are typically more concentrated about individuals' thought process, notwithstanding the promoting endeavors to distinctively show that.

In a tweet, the tech CEO said that Web 3.0 frameworks depend on a weak link frameworks. He referenced Solana (SOL) and Ethereum (ETH). That's what a weak link intends assuming it falls flat, it will prevent the whole framework from working.

Twitter CEO needs a framework in view of Bitcoin's decentralized nature that needs weak links. He accepts it very well may be more reasonable for the thoughts advanced by Web 3.0 allies.


Friday, November 17, 2017

Malayalam letter arrangement on MS word


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Road Rash color problem in windows 7

Type below in The Notepad

Title CGN GameLoader
@echo off
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
start explorer.exe

and save the file. Roadrash.cmd

Open the .cmd file


How to fix Theme Error 1075

How to fix "Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion" 

open CMD (Run as administrator) and type it 

sc config themes depend= ""

net start themes

Theme error fix seccessful!!


How To Make a Temp Cleaner

How To Make a Temp Cleaner 

Copy the following to Notepad. 

Then add the file name as .bat or .cmd and save it, like cleaner.bat

Copy  to Notepad

ATTRIB "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\*" -H -S
DEL "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\*" /F /S /Q
RD "%TMP%" /S /Q
DEL "%TMP%\*" /F /S /Q
ATTRIB "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*" -H -S
DEL "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*" /F /S /Q


How to create a folder locker by using cmd

Copy the following to Notepad. 

Then add the file name as .bat and save it, like folder locker.bat

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Locker.{2559a1f2-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Locker.{2559a1f2-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}"

echo Folder locked
goto End

@echo off
set "psCommand=powershell -Command "$pword = read-host 'Enter the Password to unlock folder' -AsSecureString ; ^
     $BSTR=[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pword); ^
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%p in (`%psCommand%`) do set password=%%p
if not "%password%"=="12345" goto Fail

ren "Locker.{2559a1f2-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End



My videos

How to videos download from fb

How to turn footnote line to right side in word

How to create a unnamed folder in windows 

How to create a password in MS word

How to make a folder Lock Without Softwere

How to fix "Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion" 

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